Our words are weapons or magical wands. And the emotional companion we couple with either blesses us or curses us….be clear and direct in the thoughts and emotions you allow to be expressed in you and through you because they did….do and always will be the life you live…..Love is My Constant ~ Sat Chit Anand.a ofLove



Sat Chit Ananda of Love

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~”The Italian Mystic from The Bronx” ~

~Ananda is a Lover~

~She intends to bring all she meets to ~

~The Lover Within~

 ~A Course in Miracles facilitator~


~Reiki Master~


~Life Transforming Counseling~

(Private or Group)

~Mind Mending Circles~

~US ~ Canada and The World ~



 Mind Mending

Every thought is taken literally by Universal Mind ~ Be clear that you do affect your world by the feelings and thoughts you have even if you don’t share them out loud ~ Each “thought” and it’s companion “feeling” makes your world what it was…. is…. and will be ~ The world you make is relative to what you believe so expect that the body you wear and the world you see will in fact mirror your beliefs ~ Accept or reject what I share ~ You are in charge of your life and only you can change it ~

I love how Ananda of Love shares in such an informal, honoring, free flowing way, acknowledging how we are all one with each other and everything, so anything we are choosing to heal individually, we are also healing for her and for the world.  This personal acceptance and sharing makes this healing/reclaiming of truth experience so much more universal, shame free and empowering.  Her insight, warmth, vulnerability,validation and understanding allowed me to go more deeply into long held beliefs and patterns that have blocked my joy and expression of the true Goddess that I AM.  I feel blessed, renewed and freed by this sharing!! Love and blessings ~ Katelon

Photo and design channeled by, Ananda ofLove 

Sat Chit Ananda’s




:::A Course in Miracles Mentor:::

:::The Light Garden:::

~ All dis-ease comes from a place within that is constricted from a belief in fear ~

Change a lifetime of beliefs in 1 session ~

With ~ Sat Chit Ananda ofLove





Life Transforming Personal Counseling

Re-Write Your Life Script in 4 sessions

$ 125.00 per hour

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I am willing to travel to accomodate any client, however, my roundtrip airfare & accomodations will be additional.

Love is My Constant ~ Sat Chit Ananda ofLove

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A response to the difference between Buddhism and Quantum Theory

by Ananda McIntosh on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 6:02pm

Logic is the not answer here ~ Logic can be changed just as can matter according to the perceivers understanding of his relative mind ~ Buddha is saying the same as Quantum Theory ~ Attention is the key to form be-ing ~ As soon as attention shifts what was is no longer seen by the perceiver ~ It can be said that all is relative to the mind of the onlooker ~ Does the world (infinitum) live beyond the mind of the perceiver? Untill the perceiver sees what it intends to …In his perceptual world …It lives not … Intepretation is the only thing in the way of The Unification of All Theories Be-ing One ~

L O V E is My Constant ~ Ananda of Love

We are The Makers of all we see.

Audio Listen

In response to a statement We have no control over people and places in our world and we have to seed an idea and in time it will grow.   made by Tom – a facilitator of a Law of Attraction group I said:
Everything in our perceptual reality is in our control – We are the maker of all we see..We are the students  of that which we make happen and  once we know this we – We can make the changes necessary in our mind to bring the world to a Higher State of being by learning from the world what we have taught it to show us  what we are thinking and feeling…There are no mistakes in the world –  only in our mind – As we allow ourselves to believe in the outside as separate from our minds we then fall victim to the idea that there are  others who can take from us our power and  make of us what they will…. All we see in our perceptual realities is mind stuff out-pictured – shadows of our thinking as creators as we think we see…
Time is not  a factor in manifesting – unless of course – You think it is…
As The Master of manifesting Jesus Christ says; “By Your Beliefs it is done unto you”
So Tom – do we have power over what we see and who plays a part in our world – You bet we do!  We decide 24/7 what we will see and what we won’t – In us is Universal intelligence who listens and gives us what we ask for in every moment.
If you believe it takes time then it does..
This Idea I  share with  today is what makes wealth beyond measure – millionaires – miraculous healing and Love that dreams are made of to appear in ones reality…You are the maker of all you see.
Yes we are living in perceptual realities  – making happen what we decide and whether it be conscious or not matters not  – all  we will  see is as we will to see… The same for the perceptual others in the Mind of God – In our perceptual reality we are the Master of all we see.  As soon as we fall prey to the reality of another we become like clay in their hands…All that is occurring is Mind in action – As I AM is as my world is – I am not  a victim  of circumstances unless of course I think like one – then all bets are off I then become a victim of the world I see.  Why become a victim of a world where shadows live – The Only Life is within – Be Love – Be Peace – Be Health – Be Wealth – Your world will teach/validate for you what you are.
For more on this subject please visit me on The Secret Bank Blog: http://thesecretbank.blogspot.com/  Please share as you are guided.
Love is My Constant~Ananda of Love
Miracles Meditation CD:www.ACourseinMiraclesProductions.com
Change your Life:www.TheAttunementProject.com


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Who are you sleeping with?


Did you ever wonder what the body your sleeping with represents  – I mean really…If our world is simply a mirror for what we are feeling and thinking about within our very own being then what is this body your sleeping with and waking with represent for you? 

By body I mean you and your world or what I call body of work…What does it represent to you….   For example; Let’s say you are going through a trial separation in your marriage and that it was you that initiated it.   

Why did you initiate it? 

What feelings did she bring up in you?  

Did she bring up insecurity…or maybe she brought up betrayal issues in you?   or another example  might be an allergy that you have most of the day and gets severe when you are ready to sleep at night.  

If your world is in your mind and your mind determines what you see than  once again I ask you…Who are you sleeping with?   

Let’s say for the sake of awareness that betrayal is what she represents …then we could say that you are sleeping with betrayal and if your are sleeping with betrayal and now that she is separate from you that betrayal is too….Can you see what I am sharing here?  When one heals his mind of an issue – all that represents that issue leaves…Now the Truth of all of this is that Love is all that is real anyway but in this perceptual dream we call life we have constructed ideas to place in the way of Love’s Presence in our world – which in A Course in Miracles  states as  Blocks to Love’s Awareness…  

Who are you sleeping with?  

Do you know – Perhaps Now is the time to find out…If you don’t like who your sleeping than it is up to you to change your bed partner by going within and choosing only Love as an option…  

Choose Love.  Love will change the body  you sleep and once it does you will sleep and wake a life where dreams do come true.  

by Ananda 2008©

Does The Law Really Work?

Audio – Listen with your heart: 

 One woman states; “The Law of Attraction doesn’t work.”
“There is no-thing at all in the field of potential but possibilities – No-thing becomes anything until we make it be what we think it to be.” Ananda

Everything and everyone is reflecting all I assume I Am…Reality is no-thing at all unless I make it…No person, place or thing happens without me directing it to…So with this idea in mind I can assume that what I believe happens…I have a thought and that thought is projected into the field of Infinite Possibilities – The more mind I pay it the more apparent it becomes to me and the more I will see it in my world.  As I am becomes all I see.  Some of what I see is conscious ideas projected and some are unconscious idea patterns – The unconscious are  learned – These are the ones that  keep us creating less that what we consciously want to see in our world.. 
Our perceptual realities are in our very own mind/s.  The world we see is simply thoughts projected by our feelings and attention.
Doubt erases our objective.  It cleans the slate of consciousness – What was remains as long as we doubt.  The new can only become a reality if we stay attentive to it being what we desire to be.
So does the Law really work?  Absolutely! Open your eyes and take a look.  What do you see?  YOU is all you see…Your world simply validates what you feel within.  There is no magic to the Law – The Law if absolute – When one becomes conscious and witnesses the world he is making he see his fears, hopes, faith, doubt all his beliefs appear in direct measure to the attention he gives them.
For today – If you will – Consciously decide to see only what you desire to see.  You will be amazed the power you have to make your world be what you desire it to be.

Ananda’s Ministry “Alliance of Divine Love Chapel 239
is a Non Profit Ministry

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we will accept your gift in love and in gratitude.

Letting Go of Time

Have you noticed that time seems to be happening faster then ever before…You think a thought and it appears as a person, place or object almost immediately.

You think of a friend and the phone rings and there she is saying that something told her to call you.

What do you think might be happening? Could it be that we are letting go of time?

Could consciousness be coming aware of itSelf. Could it be that the power to think a thought and know that the thought becomes a reality here and now is awakening to us?

Is the genie finally out of the bottle? Are we letting go of time now that we know we can?

Could it be that we are finally accepting the power we a, the riches and health we are and finally letting go of the mental construct we call time.

Are we letting go of time knowing that nothing is in our way to live the miraculous as we were meant to live, becoming a present moment experience? No more saving our good for some future time and space, postponing our good because of a belief in lack and limitation which came to be when time was factored in our equation.

Stop, look and see what is it that you are thinking right here and right now. What is stopping it from coming alive in your world right now? Time is the culprit. The belief in time is the only block you have to making your dreams becoming yours now.

Cause just is. Time keeps on keepin on. Postponing, waiting, seeking and not finding are all the effects of time. Only time is in our way.

What you see is what you are choosing to see. What you want to see that you don’t see is frozen in space and caught between Now and time. All your dreams are waiting to be born through you. Get time out of the way and know that only you can decide here and now what it is that you WILL to see.

Could it be that we are letting go of time? Yes! I AM…How about you?

Our Children Are Our Best Teachers – Part 2


There were many responses to an article previously published on The Secret Bank Blog entitled: “Our Children Are Our Best Teacher’s.” Through the questions and comments received we felt our message was not fully understood. As a result we decided to give it another shot.

For the purpose of staying true to our teachings let me say that perhaps it was me that didn’t fully get what I was teaching in that article. I know that as I teach is as I learn and my world validates for me how clear I am with what I teach, as well as how unclear I may be in relation to my intent. If questions come up through my world/reflection, then ultimately it is me questioning me and my teachings. For this reason, we offer Part 2 – Our Children are Our Best Teachers.

In the first article we said,

“Our children are our best teacher’s and, since all in our world are products of our very own mind, all in our world are our children. Those that appear in our world through out our day are showing us what lies within us. As you are, is as your children/world is. All in our world is a mirror for us.”

To illustrate my point more clearly I would like to use the body – my body, your body…it matters not, as a method to illustrate that our children are our best teacher’s. In my understanding, the first descendent of the mind is my body. As I am, is as my body reflects.

A mind that is in fear inevitably will reflect a body with some sort of imbalance – whether it is overweight, sick or ailing slightly… imbalance will appear somewhere as the direct descendant of the mind that has dis-ease as it’s foundation. Fear, being the culprit, which manifests as some sort of malady in the body they will appear as offspring that are not congruent with love, peace and joy. For the purpose of this article we will call these maladies ‘wayward children’.

The sins of the father, that are often addressed in spiritual circles, could be better understood if we could grasp the concept that the entire world we see is actually the affect of the sins or more correctly, errors of the mother or female principle. In the perfect union of love, comes the out-manifestation or child of perfection. It is cause extending itself it’s love , and reflecting only the lovely.

The Father gives the Mother the right to decide, to become what she aspires to become. Anything she wants, He gives. She decides either from a place of love or of fear. Love gives birth to Itself, as does fear.

Imbalance in the body comes from fear. The mother’s fear thoughts are her children. Fear gives birth to fear. The mother is in some sense of dis-ease and as she is, is as her body becomes. Fear becomes painful and her children appear wayward. The body becomes as the mother unbalanced. The mother’s pain becomes a witness to the fear that was once love, for the pure state of the Father and the Mother is Love.

Pain, what we will call the wayward child, feels separate from its mother and its father. It has gone astray. In pain, the child or body seeks to find what it feels it has lost. It seeks and seeks but does not find it’s mother’s love. Eventually the pain that comes from fear of being separate from its True Source becomes desperate and appears more unlike itself. Lost, it now appears as dis-ease and apparently not related to the mother’s love at all. The Wayward child or body of the mother becomes so desperate that it will do almost anything to reunite with the mother and the father’s love.

Pain, being it’s only hope for acknowledgement, becomes it’s expression. The body or child of the mother will remain unhealed until the pain is unbearable and awakens the mother’s love. When that occurs she becomes conscious and sees the child for who he is – her son. She then takes steps towards reuniting with the child in peace and unconditional love making right what was wronged in her very own mind. She sees him as a thought she gave birth to, frightened and lost and in need of her attention, her encouragement and her love.

What does your body look like?
How does it feel?
Are you accepting it or rejecting it?

The answer to these questions will determine what your future world will look like.

As you feel about it, is as it will become. A child never wants to let her parents down.

Take a good look at your body. Feel the pain it feels and know that you can transform your child by accepting where it is, communicating your willingness to spend more time loving it and ultimately being it’s loving parent.

Our children are our best teacher’s. What is your body – your child teaching you about you?

Set It Free


A sweet angel of a girl I know, Laura, is a bird lover. She has such a beautiful relationship with birds. She speaks to them and they respond to her as if she is speaking their language. We were exchanging emails about a local exotic bird business for sale that I felt would be of interest to her, and she told me that she didn’t feel that is was a lucrative enterprise for her to invest in presently. My response to her was,  “passion is always lucrative.”

She said, “How true! I once sold birds from my home, a species of lovebird that is known to be almost impossible to tame. I just loved the little creatures and felt sad every time one was sold. Many people have expectations of birds that the birds just can’t fulfill because it is not in their nature. As a result their owners grow tired of them. I wanted my babies to be as special to their owner as they were to me.”

After reading her reply I got a vision of a caged bird set free and I thought ideas are like birds caged in our very own minds. Unless they are set free they cannot bring us what it is we want them to bring. Worry, doubt and fear actually keep our ideas caged in internal conflict. This is not a healthy breeding ground for our creative expression. As I pondered this idea I liked the metaphor more and more. Ideas that are repressed are liked caged birds. They have potential or in the case of birds, they are wings to fly with. But what good are wings in a cage?

Thoughts are things. Thoughts caged in fear do nothing but fester within the mind of the thinker and eventually die. Laura’s birds are free. She lets them fly free as they were meant to. She gives them the freedom to be.

There is an old saying that, “when you love something, set it free and if it is meant to be with you it will return. If not the love you sent with it will bless another.”

Imagine if just for a moment, what kind of life we could live if we would allow our dreams the freedom to become what they were meant to be?

Imagine what would happen if we sent out our ideas – our dreams, in love without fear, doubt or worry…just sent them out freely to be what they were meant to be. What kind of a world it would be? Can you see it?

Do you have a dream that you have been keeping in your mind for fear that it will not come true? Set it free. Give it wings to fly and we know it with fly home to you fulfilled.

Set it free…

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