Does The Law Really Work?

Audio – Listen with your heart: 

 One woman states; “The Law of Attraction doesn’t work.”
“There is no-thing at all in the field of potential but possibilities – No-thing becomes anything until we make it be what we think it to be.” Ananda

Everything and everyone is reflecting all I assume I Am…Reality is no-thing at all unless I make it…No person, place or thing happens without me directing it to…So with this idea in mind I can assume that what I believe happens…I have a thought and that thought is projected into the field of Infinite Possibilities – The more mind I pay it the more apparent it becomes to me and the more I will see it in my world.  As I am becomes all I see.  Some of what I see is conscious ideas projected and some are unconscious idea patterns – The unconscious are  learned – These are the ones that  keep us creating less that what we consciously want to see in our world.. 
Our perceptual realities are in our very own mind/s.  The world we see is simply thoughts projected by our feelings and attention.
Doubt erases our objective.  It cleans the slate of consciousness – What was remains as long as we doubt.  The new can only become a reality if we stay attentive to it being what we desire to be.
So does the Law really work?  Absolutely! Open your eyes and take a look.  What do you see?  YOU is all you see…Your world simply validates what you feel within.  There is no magic to the Law – The Law if absolute – When one becomes conscious and witnesses the world he is making he see his fears, hopes, faith, doubt all his beliefs appear in direct measure to the attention he gives them.
For today – If you will – Consciously decide to see only what you desire to see.  You will be amazed the power you have to make your world be what you desire it to be.

Ananda’s Ministry “Alliance of Divine Love Chapel 239
is a Non Profit Ministry

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we will accept your gift in love and in gratitude.

Set It Free


A sweet angel of a girl I know, Laura, is a bird lover. She has such a beautiful relationship with birds. She speaks to them and they respond to her as if she is speaking their language. We were exchanging emails about a local exotic bird business for sale that I felt would be of interest to her, and she told me that she didn’t feel that is was a lucrative enterprise for her to invest in presently. My response to her was,  “passion is always lucrative.”

She said, “How true! I once sold birds from my home, a species of lovebird that is known to be almost impossible to tame. I just loved the little creatures and felt sad every time one was sold. Many people have expectations of birds that the birds just can’t fulfill because it is not in their nature. As a result their owners grow tired of them. I wanted my babies to be as special to their owner as they were to me.”

After reading her reply I got a vision of a caged bird set free and I thought ideas are like birds caged in our very own minds. Unless they are set free they cannot bring us what it is we want them to bring. Worry, doubt and fear actually keep our ideas caged in internal conflict. This is not a healthy breeding ground for our creative expression. As I pondered this idea I liked the metaphor more and more. Ideas that are repressed are liked caged birds. They have potential or in the case of birds, they are wings to fly with. But what good are wings in a cage?

Thoughts are things. Thoughts caged in fear do nothing but fester within the mind of the thinker and eventually die. Laura’s birds are free. She lets them fly free as they were meant to. She gives them the freedom to be.

There is an old saying that, “when you love something, set it free and if it is meant to be with you it will return. If not the love you sent with it will bless another.”

Imagine if just for a moment, what kind of life we could live if we would allow our dreams the freedom to become what they were meant to be?

Imagine what would happen if we sent out our ideas – our dreams, in love without fear, doubt or worry…just sent them out freely to be what they were meant to be. What kind of a world it would be? Can you see it?

Do you have a dream that you have been keeping in your mind for fear that it will not come true? Set it free. Give it wings to fly and we know it with fly home to you fulfilled.

Set it free…

Vibration is Self Evident

An article on the Law of Attraction entitled, “Raising your Vibration” said,

“Stay away from negative or pessimistic people. These types of people are running a very low vibration and their low vibration can have a negative impact on your vibration level.”

We say,

The basic premise of Law of Attraction is,

“As we ask – It is Given.”

Asking isn’t about verbalizing necessarily. Our very own being is asking 24/7 to be given something. How is this possible many people ask?

Our answer would be,

“We are the power, the thought and the manifestation.
We are it! The maker of all we see in our perceptual realities.”

In A Course in Miracles we are told that ‘we get what we want in every moment’.

When we raise our vibration by aligning with the highest within us, which we call Love, the lovely becomes our experience.

We need do no-thing but simply allow ‘what we are’ to become us.

Awareness gives us the opportunity to re-define our choices. In this place of infinite power we re-design in our very own mind what it is we wish to see. Then we align with this intent, staying with it and knowing that ‘as you/we ask – it is given’.

What do we need to do? Be aware that we are the ‘makers of our world’. If someone shows up in low vibration, it is not about them, it’s about us. What we are is validated in every moment in our world.

When one becomes aware and aligns with highest intent in every moment he will begin to see his thought and it’s manifestation in the very same moment. Time stops and all that is within the mind of the perceiver is in that moment and in every moment to follow this thought-vibration becomes self evident in our world.

We are making all what it is in our world. The only missing factor to our dreams becoming a reality is awareness and choice.

Today, take a few moments to actually watch…a moment at a time. Watch and see just what it is that you are asking to see in the world you are master of. You will be surprised just how powerful you are.

Do you like what it is you are making appear? If not “Choose Again!”

What is Your Motive

What are the “motives” behind your intentions? If you have put The Law of Attraction into practice by now you know, at least in part, about the enormous power you have at your disposal – and have always had. As we have said in previous posts, the Universal Subjective Mind, that aspect of the universe, which brings thoughts into manifestation, is “no respecter of persons” – it obeys commands and delivers.

This power, in the hands (thoughts) of a person, will bring about manifestations of things and experiences that match those thoughts. Often these manifestations will not bring about true happiness, even though the things themselves still appear, something is still missing for once the intention manifests, the thrill is gone. We have discussed the responsibility of the thinker – of each of us to be clear and direct in our intent, but let us go a step further and discuss motive.

Why are you intending what you are intending? What is it that you really want out of the fruition of your intentions? This is the first thing we should be considering before we consciously consider what to create. Why? Because as we also discussed before, it is the essence of what we are intending that we are really after from what we manifest.

The desire for a new home is far more than a need for shelter. That home might mean security for someone or self value for someone else. Your intention isn’t the only factor in bringing that desire for a home about. Underneath all of the practical reasons, there lies the true motive. The essence of why you really desire that home. For example, are you looking for recognition, attention or acceptance when you intend to bring that house forth? If so, you need to be honest with yourself and state it clearly,

“I deserve to live in a beautiful new home.” or perhaps, “I desire to bring forth a new home so that I can feel secure in my own home.”

While things are temporary and will never bring the depth of happiness or security we seek -because these things can be taken away – stating your true motives assists in aligning you with your true intent. This in turn assists in the manifesting process. When your intent and feelings are aligned, you can be certain there will be very little time between your intention and it’s manifestation.

When you state clearly what your intention is and attach to it your true motive the universe immediately conspires to bring it forth. As you see the fruits of you’re labor (thoughts and motives) come into being, you will also feel the peace that comes from honestly aligning your desire with your motive. This comes from a mind and heart focused in balance and this is the key to happiness.

Detachment and Forgiveness

forgiveness-copy.jpgForgiveness is always for us, always to bring about a state of peace in our own mind. It is the single greatest tool for bringing JOY into our life. Most people find forgiveness very difficult because they believe its about forgiving others. The world validates what we give our most passionate thoughts or attention to. And the world shows up the way we think it will. Here is how it shows us what we are thinking:

We live in a Giant House of Mirrors. Everywhere we turn, around every corner there is a mirror. Mirrors appear to us as people, places, things and circumstances these mirrors

act for us,
speak for us,
speak to us,
and show us…
the things or programs we are thinking into our life to block the greatness within us, and the unbroken ecstasy that flows from it.

To forgive means to give-before before what? Before we receive. Its the cycle of re-planting the seed programs we want to grow in our life. For–giving is a process of correcting program errors in our subconscious mind which block the natural flow of harmony from the Unified Field. When we meet a mirror and the mirror gives us the gift of showing us one of our blocks, we re-program the error block by forgiving or forgetting or erasing it by re-planting a new program into our subconscious mind.

This magnetically attracts new mirror images we want to show up in our life, the seed programs that we want to grow in our life. Forgiving or forgetting is the fastest process to re-program the subconscious mind. The mirrors help us to recognize our error programs and forgiveness helps us to let them go. Forgiveness helps us allow error programs, programs that magnetize people, places, things and circumstances we do not want, to fade away by forgetting them.

This process makes it easier to begin re-programming what we do want -Wealth, Health and Happiness.

What already IS – the Greatness within us – is already there. It needs no programming, It only needs revealing. When we forget or for-give or re-program, we are removing the blocks to our inherent greatness in and through which anything is possible. The only restrictions are the blocks or programs, which our mirrors show us we are still magnetizing into our life.

When we learn to for-give, guilt leaves us because the error programs that attract it into our life have been erased and replaced. What remains is a sense of Worthiness. Worthiness allows the natural flow of harmony from The Unified Field -The Subconscious Mind – to enter our minds and from there into our bodies and life circumstances returning what we are, what we have, what we do and what we experience in our circumstances to a state of Wholeness.

When we are experiencing a constant state of unattached creating with our power to make up our world, we experience a constant state of Wealth, Health and Happiness -Joy. Another word for this constant state of Being is LOVE.

Detachment and Receiving


We touched on receiving in our previous post on Gratitude where we discussed how important this habit is to the attitude of Worthiness.

Happiness, in its truest sense, means JOY.

“Joy is a perpetual state of mind which is unaffected by any condition or circumstance.”

Happiness is like a roller coaster. One moment you are happy – even ecstatic, then you are sad – even depressed. Most people believe these are normal states of living. High follows low, hot follows cold, up follows down, night follows day, happy follows sad. But joy is a flat line, a state of peacefulness that is unattached to outcomes.

You can use The Law of Attraction to experience Wealth, Health and Happiness, but the un-paralled ecstasy of Joy is only possible if you can detach from results – which are in the future and focus on the process that is happening in this moment, in the NOW.

All pain – dis-ease – is caused by BLOCKING the natural flow of Wholeness from The Unified Field – The Subconscious Mind.

When we are attached to outcomes we are identified with
who we think we are,
what we have,
what we do and
what occurs in our circumstances.

We are none of these things!!! We are the the THINKERS that made them up. We are NOT the

cars we drive,
the houses we live in,
the money we possess,
the titles in front or after our names,
the education we have attained,
the relationships we have or
the experiences we have had.
And, we are NOT the bodies we wear.

We make up all these things with our thoughts – by default as most people create, or by INTENTION through our conscious design.

When we really understand this, it is possible to detach our self from ALL RESULTS of our creative thinking and enjoy the Creative Process in each Moment

When we detach our self from ALL identification we experience an incredible thing – Freedom from GUILT. WHY? Freedom from Guilt is the gateway to a sense of Worthiness through which Harmony flows from The Unified Field – The Subconscious Mind. Detaching is a process of FORGETTING or LETTING GO of everything we have made up with our thoughts. This is also know as FORGIVENESS.

Joy and Detachment

johnnyjoy-copy.jpgCreating our reality suggests that we are focused on those creations that will bring us happiness, and this is as it should be. However, happiness is a roller coaster since in this world of duality everything has its opposite. Nevertheless, there is a middle ground which we call Joy. Imagine a pin suspended between the opposite poles of a magnet – you probably did an experiment like this in school. That’s where joy can be found.

Joy is a state of supreme happiness that can be experienced even in the presence of pain and suffering. We’ll explore that more in another post, but for now lets look at HOW this perfect state of happiness is arrived at.

The state of joy is reached very simply by “detaching” ourself from the results of whatever it is we are creating or have created. This is not the same as indifference because indifference is a close relative of boredom – definitely not a state of joy.

When we identify with anything we are attached to it – we have a vested interest in it and we will swing between the poles of happiness and sadness, pleasure and pain as a result. This dance is fine for a while, even exciting but eventually, everyone reaches a state of mind where “the price of the low is too high for the high.”

Another very important factor related to detachment is the influence it has on the manifestation process of creating our reality. When we have an intention and put it out into the Universal Subjective Mind – The Unified Field – The Field of Infinte Possibilities, if we are deeply attached to or in need of that intention coming into our life, we add an element of fear to it. Its like planting a seed then going out into the garden every morning and digging it up to see how its coming along. Not a good gardening plan!

But how to be enthused or passionate about an intention, yet not being attached to it? Seem like a paradox – not really? The secret lies in the motive behind the intention. If your motive is in some way connected to the service of others it is in harmony with the most basic intention of the universe -“giving.” Why giving? Because there is only One in the universe and Oneness knows It can give only to Itself!

What Gifts Are You Receiving?

“What is your world showing you…about you? That is, what is the world showing you about the way you are thinking, both consciously and subconsciously?”In the Bible it says,

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7What is the inner meaning of this passage? Is it necessary to ask in so many word for that which you wish you receive? That is certainly the obvious method. However, we actually ‘ask’ in every moment not just by what we think but also by the way we speak and the way we act.When we are told to ask, we need to be fully aware that whether we utter a sound or not, the universe does hear what we are asking and goes on to show it to us in our world.

The musings of our mind, the words we speak and the actions we take, whether conscious or not, are eventually given to us in some way. Many people believe they must ‘somehow earn’ the acceptance or love of the universe in order to receive. Yet ‘the universe (God) is no respecter of persons,’ it gives equally to everyone who asks.

Fear based thoughts reflect outward as do loving thoughts. Our world shows us what we are asking for in every moment. If we experience lack and fear then that is what – on some level, we have been asking for. We need to look deep down within our minds and see the beliefs we are harboring if we don’t like what we are receiving.

Do you ever wonder why your world often seems to show up in ways which are different from what you have been asking? Most of us have asked our self this question. Nothing at all occurs anywhere in a person’s life that did not first appear in the mind of that person. We decide consciously, and more often, not consciously, what will appear in our world.

When we awaken to the truth that the universe gives us ‘exactly’ what we ask for, we will be much more careful what thoughts we allow into our mind. Also, more careful with what thoughts we continually allow out of our mind in the form of our mental affirmations, words and deeds.

If we take an objective look at the what we are receiving, we will soon recognize the thoughts that brought them into manifestation in our world. This is why both the good and the bad are referred to as gifts. They show us the thoughts we wish to keep and expand upon and those thoughts we should let go of.

Metaphoric Awareness – Part Two

The concept of victims and perpetrators or victims of circumstances is commonly accepted as part of reality in most people’s minds. Metaphoric Awareness – MA, puts this error to rest once and for all. No such reality exists and it becomes increasingly apparent as we watch our world through the new eyes of this altered consciousness.We recognize the repeating patterns of error thinking as their offspring swirl out into our world like a multitude of eddies and currents in a stream. They affect our life circumstances in countless ways and beckon to us to ‘catch the drift’ of our self sabotaging thoughts.
Incorporating MA into our daily life is the fast track to inner awakening and a sense of spiritual connection that influences every moment of our adventure here on earth. It is a genuine form of “praying without ceasing” that easily shifts our focus into an automatic and effortless, self adjusting vigilance which dissects microscopic errors from our mind.We find our life flowing from one success to another, from strength to strength as the beauty and majesty of our inner self shines through us and out into our world, lifting and inspiring it. Life begins to take on the shining essence it is meant to be and the dance of the universe flows through our veins as Blake put it so beautifully,

“To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.”

We encourage you to consider the incredibly powerful practice of observing your world in this holographic manner, watching your world as it manifests what is hidden in your mind that is holding you back from the indescribable greatness within. You will soon experience your world expressing the wonderful flowers of experience that reflect your true nature.

Excerpt from John and Ananda’s book: “I Know The Secret”

Metaphoric Awareness – Part One

We teach a unique concept we have entitled Metaphoric Awareness. This concept teaches people’how to use their perceived world as a means to awaken the highest within them and assists them in making their dreams become a reality.’
When you begin to realize that you are the architect of your own reality, there comes a moment when that understanding expands to encompass your entire reality. This means the idea of luck, coincidence, accidents, etc., disappears from your thinking and you see everything that shows up in your life as part of your own design.This can be a little scary at first as we become conscious that our thoughts and the feelings that empower them do in fact become part of our reality. We soon realize that we must ‘watch what we are thinking and the feelings that are most prevalent within us.’ As we learn to do this we correct and eliminate the blocks to a richer, fuller life.

Metaphoric Awareness was designed to help us easily watch what we are creating. When we do this we are able to re-construct our thinking so that we ‘consciously see our thoughts’ extended out into our world in ways that are more congruent with positive intentions.

This way of living helps us become conscious creators who are living in the moment, or as many people call it ‘the now.’ Becoming conscious of the thoughts we have helps us to recognize the blocks that have been keeping us from experiencing the kind of life we really want.

Here is an example of Metaphoric Awareness:

When we are confronted by someone who is argumentative or even downright negative and critical, the normal reaction of most people is to look at that person as someone ‘outside’ themselves. Metaphoric Awareness looks at the person in a different way.

These people are really actors that have shown up to read the script we have written within our creative play, the play of our life. They show us blocks within ourselves that are keeping us from living a life of joy and fulfillment.

We may have handled people such as these in the past with disdain, criticism, judgment or perhaps with diplomacy, kindness and understanding. Nevertheless, we have still seen them as ‘outside’ our self. With Metaphoric Awareness we regard each person, place, thing or circumstance as a teacher, showing us negative or positive thoughts that exist within our own mind.

Even if the type of conduct we indicated in this example is foreign to our character we understand that somewhere hidden within, that frequency or vibration exists and is influencing the way our world is appearing to us.

You could say that these ‘actors’ are a blessing when they show up because long hidden aspects of our subconscious mind are surfacing and helping us to see what we need to do to re-write the script of our life. In this way we stop sabotaging our success and the joy that we so long to experience.

Excerpt from John and Ananda’s book: “I Know The Secret”

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