Letting Go of Time

Have you noticed that time seems to be happening faster then ever before…You think a thought and it appears as a person, place or object almost immediately.

You think of a friend and the phone rings and there she is saying that something told her to call you.

What do you think might be happening? Could it be that we are letting go of time?

Could consciousness be coming aware of itSelf. Could it be that the power to think a thought and know that the thought becomes a reality here and now is awakening to us?

Is the genie finally out of the bottle? Are we letting go of time now that we know we can?

Could it be that we are finally accepting the power we a, the riches and health we are and finally letting go of the mental construct we call time.

Are we letting go of time knowing that nothing is in our way to live the miraculous as we were meant to live, becoming a present moment experience? No more saving our good for some future time and space, postponing our good because of a belief in lack and limitation which came to be when time was factored in our equation.

Stop, look and see what is it that you are thinking right here and right now. What is stopping it from coming alive in your world right now? Time is the culprit. The belief in time is the only block you have to making your dreams becoming yours now.

Cause just is. Time keeps on keepin on. Postponing, waiting, seeking and not finding are all the effects of time. Only time is in our way.

What you see is what you are choosing to see. What you want to see that you don’t see is frozen in space and caught between Now and time. All your dreams are waiting to be born through you. Get time out of the way and know that only you can decide here and now what it is that you WILL to see.

Could it be that we are letting go of time? Yes! I AM…How about you?