Does The Law Really Work?

Audio – Listen with your heart: 

 One woman states; “The Law of Attraction doesn’t work.”
“There is no-thing at all in the field of potential but possibilities – No-thing becomes anything until we make it be what we think it to be.” Ananda

Everything and everyone is reflecting all I assume I Am…Reality is no-thing at all unless I make it…No person, place or thing happens without me directing it to…So with this idea in mind I can assume that what I believe happens…I have a thought and that thought is projected into the field of Infinite Possibilities – The more mind I pay it the more apparent it becomes to me and the more I will see it in my world.  As I am becomes all I see.  Some of what I see is conscious ideas projected and some are unconscious idea patterns – The unconscious are  learned – These are the ones that  keep us creating less that what we consciously want to see in our world.. 
Our perceptual realities are in our very own mind/s.  The world we see is simply thoughts projected by our feelings and attention.
Doubt erases our objective.  It cleans the slate of consciousness – What was remains as long as we doubt.  The new can only become a reality if we stay attentive to it being what we desire to be.
So does the Law really work?  Absolutely! Open your eyes and take a look.  What do you see?  YOU is all you see…Your world simply validates what you feel within.  There is no magic to the Law – The Law if absolute – When one becomes conscious and witnesses the world he is making he see his fears, hopes, faith, doubt all his beliefs appear in direct measure to the attention he gives them.
For today – If you will – Consciously decide to see only what you desire to see.  You will be amazed the power you have to make your world be what you desire it to be.

Ananda’s Ministry “Alliance of Divine Love Chapel 239
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we will accept your gift in love and in gratitude.

Letting Go of Time

Have you noticed that time seems to be happening faster then ever before…You think a thought and it appears as a person, place or object almost immediately.

You think of a friend and the phone rings and there she is saying that something told her to call you.

What do you think might be happening? Could it be that we are letting go of time?

Could consciousness be coming aware of itSelf. Could it be that the power to think a thought and know that the thought becomes a reality here and now is awakening to us?

Is the genie finally out of the bottle? Are we letting go of time now that we know we can?

Could it be that we are finally accepting the power we a, the riches and health we are and finally letting go of the mental construct we call time.

Are we letting go of time knowing that nothing is in our way to live the miraculous as we were meant to live, becoming a present moment experience? No more saving our good for some future time and space, postponing our good because of a belief in lack and limitation which came to be when time was factored in our equation.

Stop, look and see what is it that you are thinking right here and right now. What is stopping it from coming alive in your world right now? Time is the culprit. The belief in time is the only block you have to making your dreams becoming yours now.

Cause just is. Time keeps on keepin on. Postponing, waiting, seeking and not finding are all the effects of time. Only time is in our way.

What you see is what you are choosing to see. What you want to see that you don’t see is frozen in space and caught between Now and time. All your dreams are waiting to be born through you. Get time out of the way and know that only you can decide here and now what it is that you WILL to see.

Could it be that we are letting go of time? Yes! I AM…How about you?

Harmonic Resonance

This evening Ananda and I were chatting with some friends about our new book connected with “The Secret” teachings: “I Know The Secret.” We were discussing how “the universe conspires” – immediately to bring our thoughts (desires) into objective manifestation as long as we don’t send out other thoughts, which contradict the original desire-thought.

We were sitting at a corner table in Barnes and Noble directly across from a similar table where several other friends of ours were laughing up a storm. One of those friends was probably telling one of his humorous anecdotes from his world travels as a well-known jazz pianist. He’s a gentle and jovial fellow with a story that fits almost any topic of conversation, and when he speaks he resonates the very essence of musical passion.

We often discuss with him how certain types of music, particularly the sort that slips easily into the intuitive connection with the universe, floats in the ether’s often referred to as “the zone” by athletes. That mystical zone vibrates at a particular frequency and attracts to it energy that resonates harmonically with it.

Just then we noticed a young girl -perhaps 11 or 12 years old – walk past our jazz friend to a table directly beside his where her parents were seated. What struck us was the blouse she was wearing. It was covered with musical notes as if copied from a giant page of sheet music.

Neither our friend nor the young lady connected with each other directly during the next half-hour before she left with her parents. What we couldn’t help noticing however, was how animated she was around our jazz friend’s energy. It was almost as if she were playing an instrument in her mind, due only to the blending of her musical passion vibrating in harmony with the frequency of the space the two occupied at the moment.

This is an aspect of harmonic resonance and its how the universe conspires through The Law of Attraction to bring like frequencies (of thought) to like frequencies. There are no accidents in the universe, everything that comes into our lives is invited there by our thoughts. How great is that?

Joy and Detachment

johnnyjoy-copy.jpgCreating our reality suggests that we are focused on those creations that will bring us happiness, and this is as it should be. However, happiness is a roller coaster since in this world of duality everything has its opposite. Nevertheless, there is a middle ground which we call Joy. Imagine a pin suspended between the opposite poles of a magnet – you probably did an experiment like this in school. That’s where joy can be found.

Joy is a state of supreme happiness that can be experienced even in the presence of pain and suffering. We’ll explore that more in another post, but for now lets look at HOW this perfect state of happiness is arrived at.

The state of joy is reached very simply by “detaching” ourself from the results of whatever it is we are creating or have created. This is not the same as indifference because indifference is a close relative of boredom – definitely not a state of joy.

When we identify with anything we are attached to it – we have a vested interest in it and we will swing between the poles of happiness and sadness, pleasure and pain as a result. This dance is fine for a while, even exciting but eventually, everyone reaches a state of mind where “the price of the low is too high for the high.”

Another very important factor related to detachment is the influence it has on the manifestation process of creating our reality. When we have an intention and put it out into the Universal Subjective Mind – The Unified Field – The Field of Infinte Possibilities, if we are deeply attached to or in need of that intention coming into our life, we add an element of fear to it. Its like planting a seed then going out into the garden every morning and digging it up to see how its coming along. Not a good gardening plan!

But how to be enthused or passionate about an intention, yet not being attached to it? Seem like a paradox – not really? The secret lies in the motive behind the intention. If your motive is in some way connected to the service of others it is in harmony with the most basic intention of the universe -“giving.” Why giving? Because there is only One in the universe and Oneness knows It can give only to Itself!

Thought and The Unified Field

Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind described what theology calls “The Trinity” Spirit – Universal Subjectivity – Particularization. Universal Subjectivity is referred to in the Bible as that aspect of God which is …”no respecter of persons…” Quantum Physics or Quantum Mechanics calls it The Unified Field.Holmes explained that this aspect of the universe has ‘no choice’ but to return to us everything we put into it. This is why it is no respecter of persons. It matters not whether we ask it for sickness or health, poverty or wealth or misery or joy. It must and will manifest persons, places, things and circumstances that are exact duplicates of what ‘thoughts’ we drop into it, into this Unified Field.
It may be protested,

“But I never asked for sickness!”

Perhaps you did not in so many words, but when we accept a thought such as, “Better watch out, its flu season…if your not careful you’ll catch your death of cold.”

This is a thought, which when accepted with casual belief as if its the gospel truth, places an order with the Unified Field which immediately goes to work bringing it into your experience. Unless you change your mind, perhaps by telling it that you will stay healthy if you get a flu shot and then go ahead and get the shot, you will in fact get the flu for certain. But its not the flu shot that kept you healthy…its your belief in it that kept you healthy.

The Unified Field does what it is told to do. In our microcosmic experience of this globally accepted fact, it is the subconscious mind that corresponds to the Universal Subjectivity of the universe. Whatever we think ‘into’ our subconscious mind – our individual Unified Field, and believe is possible, manifests in our life…in some way.

This means that everything is possible. It also means, we must be mindful of what thoughts we are consistently thinking about and accepting as true, because that is what our world will reflect back to us.

The Natural Flow

Creating your reality is more than just deciding what you want, then using The Law of Attraction to manifest it. It involves a Natural Flow that emanates from within The Unified Field. This flow always points in the direction of Oneness.What does that mean?
It means the Universal Mind excludes nothing. It is always giving because there is nothing else but It. As a result, It is always giving to Itself. And we are part of that Oneness.

Anything we do that does not go with this basic universal flow is going against the Universal Will – against the universal order. On the short term this may appear possible but there is always a correction that brings the natural flow back on stream. We may believe for a time that we can focus our attention only on ourselves – even for many years – but eventually the natural flow straightens the crooked places like water finding its own level.

The focus of giving is part of the formula for getting because as part of the universal mind, we are working in harmony with the natural order when we direct our intentions with this understanding. Giving becomes an act of participating in the circle of receiving-giving-receiving-giving…which is endless. In some way then, our focus of creating our reality needs to include the extension of increased good for others to be part of the flow.

An interesting observation of this process is the fact that what we give out to our world does not always come back from the same place it was given. This fact in the creative process often leads to two mind-sets that are incorrect.

The first is that it sometimes feels like what we have extended out to our world does not always work because we don’t see results from that particular intention. The second error is that we appear to be lucky to have something good drop out of the blue from no where. Neither of these concepts is correct.

The reason lies within The Unified Field where all that flows into it is orchestrated perfectly for the highest good of all. What comes back to us from our intentions is always for the highest good of all and may return in a way that seems totally unrelated to our original intention. We do not see from the same perspective as the universal mind which has everything that IS at Its disposal, and it is this infinite knowing that manifests from our creative intentions things in ways that often do not seem related.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt the universe is unfolding perfectly.