Our Children Are Our Best Teachers – Part 2


There were many responses to an article previously published on The Secret Bank Blog entitled: “Our Children Are Our Best Teacher’s.” Through the questions and comments received we felt our message was not fully understood. As a result we decided to give it another shot.

For the purpose of staying true to our teachings let me say that perhaps it was me that didn’t fully get what I was teaching in that article. I know that as I teach is as I learn and my world validates for me how clear I am with what I teach, as well as how unclear I may be in relation to my intent. If questions come up through my world/reflection, then ultimately it is me questioning me and my teachings. For this reason, we offer Part 2 – Our Children are Our Best Teachers.

In the first article we said,

“Our children are our best teacher’s and, since all in our world are products of our very own mind, all in our world are our children. Those that appear in our world through out our day are showing us what lies within us. As you are, is as your children/world is. All in our world is a mirror for us.”

To illustrate my point more clearly I would like to use the body – my body, your body…it matters not, as a method to illustrate that our children are our best teacher’s. In my understanding, the first descendent of the mind is my body. As I am, is as my body reflects.

A mind that is in fear inevitably will reflect a body with some sort of imbalance – whether it is overweight, sick or ailing slightly… imbalance will appear somewhere as the direct descendant of the mind that has dis-ease as it’s foundation. Fear, being the culprit, which manifests as some sort of malady in the body they will appear as offspring that are not congruent with love, peace and joy. For the purpose of this article we will call these maladies ‘wayward children’.

The sins of the father, that are often addressed in spiritual circles, could be better understood if we could grasp the concept that the entire world we see is actually the affect of the sins or more correctly, errors of the mother or female principle. In the perfect union of love, comes the out-manifestation or child of perfection. It is cause extending itself it’s love , and reflecting only the lovely.

The Father gives the Mother the right to decide, to become what she aspires to become. Anything she wants, He gives. She decides either from a place of love or of fear. Love gives birth to Itself, as does fear.

Imbalance in the body comes from fear. The mother’s fear thoughts are her children. Fear gives birth to fear. The mother is in some sense of dis-ease and as she is, is as her body becomes. Fear becomes painful and her children appear wayward. The body becomes as the mother unbalanced. The mother’s pain becomes a witness to the fear that was once love, for the pure state of the Father and the Mother is Love.

Pain, what we will call the wayward child, feels separate from its mother and its father. It has gone astray. In pain, the child or body seeks to find what it feels it has lost. It seeks and seeks but does not find it’s mother’s love. Eventually the pain that comes from fear of being separate from its True Source becomes desperate and appears more unlike itself. Lost, it now appears as dis-ease and apparently not related to the mother’s love at all. The Wayward child or body of the mother becomes so desperate that it will do almost anything to reunite with the mother and the father’s love.

Pain, being it’s only hope for acknowledgement, becomes it’s expression. The body or child of the mother will remain unhealed until the pain is unbearable and awakens the mother’s love. When that occurs she becomes conscious and sees the child for who he is – her son. She then takes steps towards reuniting with the child in peace and unconditional love making right what was wronged in her very own mind. She sees him as a thought she gave birth to, frightened and lost and in need of her attention, her encouragement and her love.

What does your body look like?
How does it feel?
Are you accepting it or rejecting it?

The answer to these questions will determine what your future world will look like.

As you feel about it, is as it will become. A child never wants to let her parents down.

Take a good look at your body. Feel the pain it feels and know that you can transform your child by accepting where it is, communicating your willingness to spend more time loving it and ultimately being it’s loving parent.

Our children are our best teacher’s. What is your body – your child teaching you about you?

Thought and The Unified Field

Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind described what theology calls “The Trinity” Spirit – Universal Subjectivity – Particularization. Universal Subjectivity is referred to in the Bible as that aspect of God which is …”no respecter of persons…” Quantum Physics or Quantum Mechanics calls it The Unified Field.Holmes explained that this aspect of the universe has ‘no choice’ but to return to us everything we put into it. This is why it is no respecter of persons. It matters not whether we ask it for sickness or health, poverty or wealth or misery or joy. It must and will manifest persons, places, things and circumstances that are exact duplicates of what ‘thoughts’ we drop into it, into this Unified Field.
It may be protested,

“But I never asked for sickness!”

Perhaps you did not in so many words, but when we accept a thought such as, “Better watch out, its flu season…if your not careful you’ll catch your death of cold.”

This is a thought, which when accepted with casual belief as if its the gospel truth, places an order with the Unified Field which immediately goes to work bringing it into your experience. Unless you change your mind, perhaps by telling it that you will stay healthy if you get a flu shot and then go ahead and get the shot, you will in fact get the flu for certain. But its not the flu shot that kept you healthy…its your belief in it that kept you healthy.

The Unified Field does what it is told to do. In our microcosmic experience of this globally accepted fact, it is the subconscious mind that corresponds to the Universal Subjectivity of the universe. Whatever we think ‘into’ our subconscious mind – our individual Unified Field, and believe is possible, manifests in our life…in some way.

This means that everything is possible. It also means, we must be mindful of what thoughts we are consistently thinking about and accepting as true, because that is what our world will reflect back to us.

Watch Your World

Watching your world is a monitor for what you are thinking, and especially what you have been thinking – some thinking from moments ago and some from long ago. The manifested world you experience has all been brought to you care of your consistent thinking, particularly the thoughts infused with the greatest emotion.This concept is very difficult to grasp or even accept by most people who are just learning about the Law of Attraction for the first time. “How,” they may argue, “can a war or the accident I saw on television this evening have anything to do with my thinking? I didn’t create it!”… they will exclaim. Nevertheless, unless they ceased giving emotional thoughts to these kinds of subjects, these kinds of manifestations must show up in their world.
We resonate at the frequency of our thinking and the world reflects that resonance just like the music we hear always resonates with any particular melody we are playing. In this way you could say the world is a mirror which works according to an unchanging Law.

Here’s an example most people can relate to: Say you are looking for a new car and finally decide on one that fits your specific needs. You will likely have seen this type of car before but it wasn’t ‘in your face’ everywhere you went. But now, as you drive off the dealership lot, your mind is focused and likely excited about this particular automobile. That vibration goes out into the universe and soon – maybe within seconds – you begin seeing that exact same car – maybe even the same color, everywhere you go. This lasts as long as the ‘newness’ of your new car is running through your mind. Sound familiar?

This does not mean that some significant event such as a major earthquake will escape the attention of people who think at a high positive frequency. It simply means that those people will perceive the event differently than people who continually expect and think about disasters as normal. In fact the positive thinking thinkers will immediately ‘feel’ the experience of those living in the area of the event and begin sending positive thoughts to those people and that area.

Simply put, this kind of thinking works on the constructive, uplifting, inspiring side of manifestation which ‘feels good’ while those with a negative or cynical outlook works on the destructive side of manifestation, which does not ‘feel’ good.

Watching our world shows us what we have been thinking about and helps us to eliminate the thoughts which do not lead to experiences that ‘feel’ good.

Triggering The God “I Am”

Joseph Murphy in his book “Think Yourself Rich” shares a prayer he titled, The prayer that changed my life.We would like to share this prayer with you here. You might want to find a comfortable place to sit and meditate as you read these words given to us from Dr. Murphy – a Master teacher of The Law of Attraction.
Try to allow yourself to feel and envision the essence of what this prayer is saying to you. It is our intention as you read you will actually feel The God “I Am” become you.

As you and we become One with Him…Abundance, Love, Health and Peace will be apparent to you…to us.

Go inside now to the place where all you ever need, or want is available to you ….

“I know your body is the temple where God dwells.”

“I honor and exalt the Divine presence within me…Within all….”

“Divine love fills our soul, and His river of peace flows through our mind and heart now and at all times. We eat food with joy, knowing that it is transmuted into beauty, harmony, wholeness, and perfection. We know God hath need of us where we are, and we are Divinely expressed.”

“We are Loved, We are needed, We are wanted and appreciated by our Heavenly father and others. We radiate love, peace, and goodwill to everyone at all times. Our food and drink are God’s ideas that unfold within us, making us strong, wholesome, and full of Divine Energy.”

“We are Love, We are peace, we are The Fulfillment our His Will through us…Our Life is a Divine Expression of God’s Abundance…”

“I Am – You are One Divine Expression of The Infinite Field of Plenty. It is so…Thank You God! It is so.”

We recommend that you read this prayer every night before retiring. The ‘essence’ of these words will penetrate your subconscious mind and lift you to a higher level of consciousness in sleep state. This attracts similar vibrations which nourish the mind, spirit and body preparing you for a day of joy to follow.

We are told to “…seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added unto us…” This is the way to do this by keeping our thoughts lofty toward that which cannot be threatened which IS the Kingdom of Heaven. In this way the Kingdom of Heaven becomes our experience…our very consciousness, and we remember it as our true state of Being.

Practical Spirituality

In the book by John Randolph Price, “Practical Spirituality” the author says:”Your God-Self thinks only thoughts of abundance and never lack or limitation. These thoughts are in form of pure space within the Mind of your Higher Self. This thought energy constitutes a momentous force, a power, a mighty thrust which presses out and radiates through your consciousness. This thought energy – the Mind Power – is pregnant with the thinkingness of unlimited supply, boundless prosperity, overflowing abundance.”
“As this copious substance moves through your consciousness, it is either distributed “as is” – or altered according to the vibration of your energy field. It lets itself be impressed with the shape of your consciousness, and then goes forth into the physical world to become, or appear as, forms and experiences relating to your concept of abundance.”

This passage is really a jewel. As we become conscious and begin to take heed of our thoughts and the feelings we radiate, we then see how out thoughts become an actual hindrance to prosperous manifestation because The Higher Mind knows far better than any thought we can think in place of it.

Practical Spirituality, for us is living in ‘God Space’ knowing that as we think we are actualizing the God ‘I Am’ in all that we say and do. It is not only spiritual to allow God to be God in us but it is also logical. What could be more awesome in our experience than to bring forth the highest possibility in every moment?

As we become more awakened to the Power within we will see more clearly how practical Spirituality actually is.

A Creators Responsibility

There is a moment in the awakening process when we get an enormous “AHA”. Its a wake up call that makes us aware that as co-creators of our reality we have a huge responsibility. Until that moment there is a belief which lingers in the recesses of our mind that their are “victims” in the world. For some this belief is rock solid and any attempt to shake this belief is met with indignation and even outright rage.But for most people who have an understanding about The Law of Attraction, there is a semi-belief which allows for “exceptions” in particularly “unhappy” circumstances which seem totally beyond our scope of creativity. The “AHA” puts this to rest once and for all. The awareness of our awesome power to create brings with it the understanding that we are creating every moment of our day and, as we have said before, mostly by default.”Thoughts are living things that expand and manifest after their kind,” is much more than just a wise saying. It is a Law of the universe which is impeccable and unswerving and has no exceptions. What we experience in our world is an exact duplicate of what we have been thinking and cannot show up unless it has found a home in our mind.
This means we have a sacred responsibility to clearly define the parameters of the world we want to experience and then give our undivided focus to that new world. Wherever there was a disturbance to our peace of mind and happiness, we need to redesign the outcome to fit the joyful experiences we are seeking.

No matter what thoughts may have caused the ripples or tidal waves in our life experiences, there will be change as a result of our changed focus. These changes will occur in both small and large circumstances in the world we live in and experience. More importantly they will be revealed in the way we perceive the things that seem “not” to have changed. In these situations the thought of being a victim will begin to disappear.

This understanding, that there are no victims, can be disturbing since the idea of accusing others must also leave our mind. It shows us that we need look in only one place, within our own mind for the creator of our own reality.

Listening to the Inner Voice

What does it mean to listen?”Most people have heard of “the still small voice” but perhaps never related it to a voice that is heard all the time. We hear this voice through hunches and gut feelings. We hear it through flashes of insight and intuition. In the East its known as “The Adjuster of Perception” and some call it “The Holy Spirit” or “The Comforter”. It matters not what you call it. Everyone, at some time or another has heard a voice or got a feeling that felt like or was interpreted as instruction of some kind.These feelings, when looked at “after the fact” are called “hindsight”. There is a saying that describes this instruction when it has not been followed. Its goes this way, “Hindsight is 20/20”. This means that the feelings or instructions we got are never wrong. This is the truth.
If we really believe that these feelings or instructions are always correct and presumably a glimpse of what is to come, its stands to reason that they must be for our own good. Then why would we not learn to “listen for and follow” these feelings or instructions when we feel them?

Only you can answer that question for your own life. We want to suggest that you consider a test for yourself. Give yourself 30 days in which you will (a) consciously listen for that voice, (b) watch how you react to it, (c) journal what you hear and (d) what you did with the feeling or instruction. Then make up your own mind how valuable the connection to this voice is in creating your own reality.

If 30 days is too great a challenge, try 7 days but do give it a test, we believe you’ll find the results amazing.

By: Anand

The Power of Gratitude

Creating is a flowing cycle of “giving and receiving.” Giving thanks sends an invitation for more flow to come into your life. Giving thanks generates a feeling of worthiness and worthiness opens the final door to receiving.The concept of thankfulness suggests a “state of completion.” The subconscious mind does not know about time, giving thanks for any passionate dream tells the subconscious mind that the passionate dream is here NOW.When we thank someone for something in our day-to-day life, such as when we receive a gift, it is usually because we have possession of the gift NOW.
This flow of receiving, followed by thankfulness is already a program that exists in our subconscious mind. Stimulating this existing program greatly accelerates the speed of manifestation of the passionate dreams we are giving thought to.

Giving thanks also generates a feeling of worthiness, since to accept something with thanks suggests that we are worthy to receive it.

Here’s the proof: Notice how most people readily accept small gifts but have great difficulty accepting something large unless there is some form of payment connected to it. How often have we heard, “I couldn’t possibly accept this… it’s just too much?” This is a state of mind that feels unworthy.

Another example has to do with the needful feeling to return a gift to someone who has given us a gift. This feeling is so common that we believe its normal. Yet worthiness means, in part that we are able to receive from any source because we are always giving. The needful feeling to give back to someone who has given to us is actually a sense of unworthiness. We may in fact do so in the course of a giving attitude but not as a result of a need to when we have an attitude of worthiness.

When we give constant thanks for EVERYTHING we desire to create, we are telling the subconscious mind that we are worthy to receive it and that it is here NOW. This program of worthiness opens the final door to receiving Our Dreams Come True.

The World is in You

In a life changing book; “The Book of Secrets” by Deepak Chopra, he states clearly that -“The world is in you.”The world and everything in it is simply a mental construct that we have created to keep us thinking the life we are living is real and quite separate from us. We were taught to believe that we were a victim of circumstances. Never was there even a hint that we had power over any person, place or thing in our world.
We were taught that we were insignificant. That we were a little crumb in the universal bakery and that the most that could ever become of us was a career that would take many years of study and a lot of hard work. Love was never about feeling love, it was about finding love…seeking to find our wholeness outside ourselves.

When John and I first opened up to wider possibilities beyond these limited concepts some years ago, we were truly blown away that we had been kept a prisoner to such shallow ideas. These were concepts that we later found out were emanating from our own minds. We realized everyone was keeping the Truth about themselves away hidden.

In A Course in Miracles it implies that the Son of God has amnesia and that he actually forgot who he was and aimlessly travels for lifetimes to find who he really is. The Course calls this

“A Journey without Distance”

The little self seeks and seeks and does not find the missing pieces to the intricate puzzle he made to keep him from His True Self – The Son of God.

“The world is in you!”

When we finally got an inkling of this…after years of living the teachings of A Course in Miracles, we began to get glimpses that the world reflects our every thought and belief. At first it seemed like a coincidence when the first splash of knowing appeared in front of us, obviously validating this Truth. But the more it happened the more we could not deny that ‘YES’ it was we that were making these occurrences appear.

The world is in you! Do you like how it feels? If not – Why not “Choose Again!”