Our Children Are Our Best Teachers


In a recent email a woman asked,

“I know we all have our struggles with our children. I was wondering what thoughts others have on helping our children. Here’s my situation. I have a 10 year old boy who is extremely shy. I am wondering how I can use the Law of Attraction to help him open up and feel more confident in himself. Also, I have an 8 year-old daughter. She is an angry little girl. I could really use some help trying to bring out the best in my children, when talking and ‘showing’ isn’t working.”

Our children are our best teacher’s and since all in our world are products of our very own mind, then all in our world are our children. Those that appear in our world most of the day are showing us what is within us. As you are, IS as your children are. All are a mirror for us.

My questions for this mother would be:

1- How do you feel about your boy being shy?
2- How do you feel about your girl being angry?

These answers will show her why her children are acting the way they are. The messengers that appear in our world – our children – represent for us something about us. So what messages could we suppose this son and daughter are bringing to their mom?

Our children are our best teachers. We cannot change another nor can we expect our children to change us. We need to change our minds by changing our thoughts and the feelings that empower them if we expect to see change in our children – our world.

As you change so does your world. Your world is a shadow, a reflection of what you feel and what you think. Your attitude will determine the conditions that appear to be outside of you.

In A Course in Miracles is says, “all in our world is of us.”

Quantum theory says, what we put our attention on we identify and as we identify, is as we see. The more we put our attention on an idea, the more the idea forms into a thing. And the more attention, the more concrete it becomes.

Deepak Chopra says, “we cannot have a relationship with anything we don’t pay attention to.”

In Ho’ponopono, a concept that comes from the Huna Tradition, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a therapist, healed an entire ward of criminally insane patients by simply reviewing charts and forgiving himself for being in error.

He repeated

“Forgive me, I’m sorry, I Love you, Thank You” as he reviewed these charts. He never saw the patients, yet they healed and were released. The hospital was closed short time later.

The problem and the solution resides in the mind of the perceiver.

What do we do to teach our children the Law of Attraction?
We simply ‘be the change that we wish to see in them’.

Vibration is Self Evident

An article on the Law of Attraction entitled, “Raising your Vibration” said,

“Stay away from negative or pessimistic people. These types of people are running a very low vibration and their low vibration can have a negative impact on your vibration level.”

We say,

The basic premise of Law of Attraction is,

“As we ask – It is Given.”

Asking isn’t about verbalizing necessarily. Our very own being is asking 24/7 to be given something. How is this possible many people ask?

Our answer would be,

“We are the power, the thought and the manifestation.
We are it! The maker of all we see in our perceptual realities.”

In A Course in Miracles we are told that ‘we get what we want in every moment’.

When we raise our vibration by aligning with the highest within us, which we call Love, the lovely becomes our experience.

We need do no-thing but simply allow ‘what we are’ to become us.

Awareness gives us the opportunity to re-define our choices. In this place of infinite power we re-design in our very own mind what it is we wish to see. Then we align with this intent, staying with it and knowing that ‘as you/we ask – it is given’.

What do we need to do? Be aware that we are the ‘makers of our world’. If someone shows up in low vibration, it is not about them, it’s about us. What we are is validated in every moment in our world.

When one becomes aware and aligns with highest intent in every moment he will begin to see his thought and it’s manifestation in the very same moment. Time stops and all that is within the mind of the perceiver is in that moment and in every moment to follow this thought-vibration becomes self evident in our world.

We are making all what it is in our world. The only missing factor to our dreams becoming a reality is awareness and choice.

Today, take a few moments to actually watch…a moment at a time. Watch and see just what it is that you are asking to see in the world you are master of. You will be surprised just how powerful you are.

Do you like what it is you are making appear? If not “Choose Again!”

Allowing More

When we decide on an intention to bring into our reality many teach that writing down that intention, then adding a target date for its completion helps to bring structure to our focus. This is true and we can assure you from personal experience, this does work.

We can also state without hesitation that manifesting is a marvelous adventure once we really understand and believe that it is we who are captaining the ship of our dreams. But there is a tiny adjustment that makes the journey even more fun and frequently far more rewarding. This involves what some Law of Attraction teachers call “Embracing The Unknown.”

The technique involves a sort of ‘letting go’ process in which we choose what we want to come into our life, as specific as we desire, then hand it over to the Universal Subconscious Mind with a ‘twist’. We add a ‘trailer’ to our intention that goes something like this: “Nevertheless, according to my highest purpose.” It kind of like putting the ship of dreams on autopilot once the destination is set.

Now, why would we want to leave what might appear to some people as a wishy-washy tag line to our precious dreams? We do this because the universe knows all there is to know about what is best for us, for our highest purpose. Could it be that a dream come true could turn out to be a nightmare? We’re sure you’ve heard of someone winning the lottery only to be broke 12 months later – even worse off they may have been before the win.

Or what about the young pop singer who makes it big only to end up in rehab due to the inability to balance their new life with their youthful life experience? Does this mean we shouldn’t go after our dreams? Absolutely not! But it does mean that the universe knows the best way for them to come into our lives.

What if the hapless pop singer had added the ‘trailer’ to their dream? What may have occurred was the arrival of a trusted mentor on the scene at exactly the moment when they needed them the most, before destructive behavior began to erode their dream and their life. This is how the universe works when we allow it to.

It’s worth considering, especially if your dreams are lofty.

What is Your Motive

What are the “motives” behind your intentions? If you have put The Law of Attraction into practice by now you know, at least in part, about the enormous power you have at your disposal – and have always had. As we have said in previous posts, the Universal Subjective Mind, that aspect of the universe, which brings thoughts into manifestation, is “no respecter of persons” – it obeys commands and delivers.

This power, in the hands (thoughts) of a person, will bring about manifestations of things and experiences that match those thoughts. Often these manifestations will not bring about true happiness, even though the things themselves still appear, something is still missing for once the intention manifests, the thrill is gone. We have discussed the responsibility of the thinker – of each of us to be clear and direct in our intent, but let us go a step further and discuss motive.

Why are you intending what you are intending? What is it that you really want out of the fruition of your intentions? This is the first thing we should be considering before we consciously consider what to create. Why? Because as we also discussed before, it is the essence of what we are intending that we are really after from what we manifest.

The desire for a new home is far more than a need for shelter. That home might mean security for someone or self value for someone else. Your intention isn’t the only factor in bringing that desire for a home about. Underneath all of the practical reasons, there lies the true motive. The essence of why you really desire that home. For example, are you looking for recognition, attention or acceptance when you intend to bring that house forth? If so, you need to be honest with yourself and state it clearly,

“I deserve to live in a beautiful new home.” or perhaps, “I desire to bring forth a new home so that I can feel secure in my own home.”

While things are temporary and will never bring the depth of happiness or security we seek -because these things can be taken away – stating your true motives assists in aligning you with your true intent. This in turn assists in the manifesting process. When your intent and feelings are aligned, you can be certain there will be very little time between your intention and it’s manifestation.

When you state clearly what your intention is and attach to it your true motive the universe immediately conspires to bring it forth. As you see the fruits of you’re labor (thoughts and motives) come into being, you will also feel the peace that comes from honestly aligning your desire with your motive. This comes from a mind and heart focused in balance and this is the key to happiness.

Letting Go

What does it mean to “let go?” We hear this phrase a lot these days as more and more people become acquainted with the principles in “The Secret” or The Law of Attraction.

To understand this we need to realize that the part of us that is “holding on” so to speak is not really who we are. It’s just a bundle of characteristics we generally refer to as our ego – its not the real us. This bundle of characteristics is a construct of identities we have taken on like so many layers of clothing. Stripped down, we are much different from how we see ourselves or how we think others may see us.

The “letting go process” in part, involves allowing these layers to fall away…not that we need to lose ourselves in nothingness, but that we need to “let go” of our identification with these layers.

We are not the credentials we have attained, the houses we live in, the cars we drive, the careers we have, the abilities we have, the people we know, the experiences – good and bad (so called) – that we have had…we are none of these things. And, we are not the bodies we are wearing temporarily. Our focus is temporarily directed at and in these things but our essence, what we really are is non-local – everywhere and every-when.

This may feel a little uncomfortable to accept at first, but when we realize that every one of these things has one thing in common – limitation – it becomes a lot easier to abandon these invisible shackles. The real us is unlimited, unbounded and eternal, capable of creating anything and any experience. Think about that for a moment. How close are you right this moment to that state of awareness?

To take on your true identity as a co-creator of the universe, you need to fully accept this truth. When you do this The Law of Attraction reveals the incredible possibilities – which are without limits – inherent within it.

“Letting go” is a process of unveiling the layers of limitation that have hidden this great truth about us – from us. At first it may feel a little scary to let the masks go that have hidden this false identity, but the lightness that follows each veil is a clear and present validation that we are leaning toward our true Self as a master creator.

Harmonic Resonance

This evening Ananda and I were chatting with some friends about our new book connected with “The Secret” teachings: “I Know The Secret.” We were discussing how “the universe conspires” – immediately to bring our thoughts (desires) into objective manifestation as long as we don’t send out other thoughts, which contradict the original desire-thought.

We were sitting at a corner table in Barnes and Noble directly across from a similar table where several other friends of ours were laughing up a storm. One of those friends was probably telling one of his humorous anecdotes from his world travels as a well-known jazz pianist. He’s a gentle and jovial fellow with a story that fits almost any topic of conversation, and when he speaks he resonates the very essence of musical passion.

We often discuss with him how certain types of music, particularly the sort that slips easily into the intuitive connection with the universe, floats in the ether’s often referred to as “the zone” by athletes. That mystical zone vibrates at a particular frequency and attracts to it energy that resonates harmonically with it.

Just then we noticed a young girl -perhaps 11 or 12 years old – walk past our jazz friend to a table directly beside his where her parents were seated. What struck us was the blouse she was wearing. It was covered with musical notes as if copied from a giant page of sheet music.

Neither our friend nor the young lady connected with each other directly during the next half-hour before she left with her parents. What we couldn’t help noticing however, was how animated she was around our jazz friend’s energy. It was almost as if she were playing an instrument in her mind, due only to the blending of her musical passion vibrating in harmony with the frequency of the space the two occupied at the moment.

This is an aspect of harmonic resonance and its how the universe conspires through The Law of Attraction to bring like frequencies (of thought) to like frequencies. There are no accidents in the universe, everything that comes into our lives is invited there by our thoughts. How great is that?

The Power of Persistence

Anyone familiar with attempts at eliminating a habit from their life knows what a challenge it can be. You get your mind straight, focus on the ‘new you’ you want to create, pick a time and date to begin then throw yourself into the game like a main event at a boxing match. Then, perhaps a day or two later on your diet, stop smoking campaign, job search, coffee reduction or whatever your life altering goal may be, it happens!

The big temptation! And off the wagon you go. “…maybe just a little piece of cake.” You say to yourself. “After all, I’ve been soooo good.”

If you’ve seen “What The Bleep Do We Know?” you know this has something to do with neuro-peptides and receptors on a chemical level. Heady stuff to say the least but fascinating nonetheless. The long and short of it boils down to motivation. Given sufficient incentive, any habit can be changed.

First, you place your attention only on the changed condition, leaving any thought about the condition you do not want behind. Then you see yourself on the other side of the habit – already living in the ‘new you’ state. After that, well, it comes down to persistence. You just keep on keeping on. You do (focus on) the same thing over and over and over again even though you fall off the wagon occasionally – or even frequently.

What you are doing with your constant focus on what you want, on the ‘new you’, is creating more receptors for the peptides that fit…so to speak. And sooner or later, your inner urges change and you find yourself leaning in a new direction without effort. In fact, you’d have to begin a whole new – new you – campaign to change the new you into a newer you.

Everything we create in life is like this and persistence really does pay off.

Detachment and Forgiveness

forgiveness-copy.jpgForgiveness is always for us, always to bring about a state of peace in our own mind. It is the single greatest tool for bringing JOY into our life. Most people find forgiveness very difficult because they believe its about forgiving others. The world validates what we give our most passionate thoughts or attention to. And the world shows up the way we think it will. Here is how it shows us what we are thinking:

We live in a Giant House of Mirrors. Everywhere we turn, around every corner there is a mirror. Mirrors appear to us as people, places, things and circumstances these mirrors

act for us,
speak for us,
speak to us,
and show us…
the things or programs we are thinking into our life to block the greatness within us, and the unbroken ecstasy that flows from it.

To forgive means to give-before before what? Before we receive. Its the cycle of re-planting the seed programs we want to grow in our life. For–giving is a process of correcting program errors in our subconscious mind which block the natural flow of harmony from the Unified Field. When we meet a mirror and the mirror gives us the gift of showing us one of our blocks, we re-program the error block by forgiving or forgetting or erasing it by re-planting a new program into our subconscious mind.

This magnetically attracts new mirror images we want to show up in our life, the seed programs that we want to grow in our life. Forgiving or forgetting is the fastest process to re-program the subconscious mind. The mirrors help us to recognize our error programs and forgiveness helps us to let them go. Forgiveness helps us allow error programs, programs that magnetize people, places, things and circumstances we do not want, to fade away by forgetting them.

This process makes it easier to begin re-programming what we do want -Wealth, Health and Happiness.

What already IS – the Greatness within us – is already there. It needs no programming, It only needs revealing. When we forget or for-give or re-program, we are removing the blocks to our inherent greatness in and through which anything is possible. The only restrictions are the blocks or programs, which our mirrors show us we are still magnetizing into our life.

When we learn to for-give, guilt leaves us because the error programs that attract it into our life have been erased and replaced. What remains is a sense of Worthiness. Worthiness allows the natural flow of harmony from The Unified Field -The Subconscious Mind – to enter our minds and from there into our bodies and life circumstances returning what we are, what we have, what we do and what we experience in our circumstances to a state of Wholeness.

When we are experiencing a constant state of unattached creating with our power to make up our world, we experience a constant state of Wealth, Health and Happiness -Joy. Another word for this constant state of Being is LOVE.

Detachment and Receiving


We touched on receiving in our previous post on Gratitude where we discussed how important this habit is to the attitude of Worthiness.

Happiness, in its truest sense, means JOY.

“Joy is a perpetual state of mind which is unaffected by any condition or circumstance.”

Happiness is like a roller coaster. One moment you are happy – even ecstatic, then you are sad – even depressed. Most people believe these are normal states of living. High follows low, hot follows cold, up follows down, night follows day, happy follows sad. But joy is a flat line, a state of peacefulness that is unattached to outcomes.

You can use The Law of Attraction to experience Wealth, Health and Happiness, but the un-paralled ecstasy of Joy is only possible if you can detach from results – which are in the future and focus on the process that is happening in this moment, in the NOW.

All pain – dis-ease – is caused by BLOCKING the natural flow of Wholeness from The Unified Field – The Subconscious Mind.

When we are attached to outcomes we are identified with
who we think we are,
what we have,
what we do and
what occurs in our circumstances.

We are none of these things!!! We are the the THINKERS that made them up. We are NOT the

cars we drive,
the houses we live in,
the money we possess,
the titles in front or after our names,
the education we have attained,
the relationships we have or
the experiences we have had.
And, we are NOT the bodies we wear.

We make up all these things with our thoughts – by default as most people create, or by INTENTION through our conscious design.

When we really understand this, it is possible to detach our self from ALL RESULTS of our creative thinking and enjoy the Creative Process in each Moment

When we detach our self from ALL identification we experience an incredible thing – Freedom from GUILT. WHY? Freedom from Guilt is the gateway to a sense of Worthiness through which Harmony flows from The Unified Field – The Subconscious Mind. Detaching is a process of FORGETTING or LETTING GO of everything we have made up with our thoughts. This is also know as FORGIVENESS.

Joy and Detachment

johnnyjoy-copy.jpgCreating our reality suggests that we are focused on those creations that will bring us happiness, and this is as it should be. However, happiness is a roller coaster since in this world of duality everything has its opposite. Nevertheless, there is a middle ground which we call Joy. Imagine a pin suspended between the opposite poles of a magnet – you probably did an experiment like this in school. That’s where joy can be found.

Joy is a state of supreme happiness that can be experienced even in the presence of pain and suffering. We’ll explore that more in another post, but for now lets look at HOW this perfect state of happiness is arrived at.

The state of joy is reached very simply by “detaching” ourself from the results of whatever it is we are creating or have created. This is not the same as indifference because indifference is a close relative of boredom – definitely not a state of joy.

When we identify with anything we are attached to it – we have a vested interest in it and we will swing between the poles of happiness and sadness, pleasure and pain as a result. This dance is fine for a while, even exciting but eventually, everyone reaches a state of mind where “the price of the low is too high for the high.”

Another very important factor related to detachment is the influence it has on the manifestation process of creating our reality. When we have an intention and put it out into the Universal Subjective Mind – The Unified Field – The Field of Infinte Possibilities, if we are deeply attached to or in need of that intention coming into our life, we add an element of fear to it. Its like planting a seed then going out into the garden every morning and digging it up to see how its coming along. Not a good gardening plan!

But how to be enthused or passionate about an intention, yet not being attached to it? Seem like a paradox – not really? The secret lies in the motive behind the intention. If your motive is in some way connected to the service of others it is in harmony with the most basic intention of the universe -“giving.” Why giving? Because there is only One in the universe and Oneness knows It can give only to Itself!

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